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Local artist Dianna Callahan exhibits at Evangel University

Published on Sep 28, 2016 by Mallory Johnson

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – The Evangel University Fine Art & Design Gallery will be displaying a quilt show for the month of October, from local artist Dianna Callahan. The exhibit premiers with an open house on Friday, Oct. 7, from 6-8 p.m.

Admission is free. The gallery is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Callahan is a retired associate professor of art from Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, Mo. She has won juror’s choice awards and best of show awards since she began exhibiting her work across the United States in 1970.

“Many of these pieces have been shown in gallery quilt shows, but have never been shown together. I am happy to have this opportunity at Evangel,” she said.

Callahan’s quilts focus on portraits.

“I have used other subjects in my art quilts, but the portraits are the most fun,” she said.

“Many women my age had mothers who sewed clothing and pieced beautiful quilts. I also had relatives who were talented makers, so I have a heritage upon which to build. Having explored many art forms in college classes, I have created with them all through the years. Now I have gone full circle back to my love of portraiture and the use of textiles,” she said.

Callahan earned her B.F.A. in Commercial Design from Missouri State in 1970.

In addition to teaching at SBU, she has served the Springfield Visual Arts Alliance as an exhibit director, board president and newsletter editor.

Evangel’s gallery is located in the Lawrence & Alletha Barnett Fine Arts Center, just south of the Spence Chapel, facing Glenstone Ave.

For more information, contact Stan Maples at (417) 865-2815, ext. 7395, or

2016-10.07 Quilt 4 kids
A quilt by artist Dianna Callahan. // (CLICK TO ENLARGE)


2916-10 Quilt John Deer
A quilt by artist Dianna Callahan. // (CLICK TO ENLARGE)


2016-10 Quilt yellow girl
A quilt by artist Dianna Callahan. // (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

Evangel offers four art degrees

• The Bachelor of Arts in Art degree program is a well-rounded approach to artistic disciplines, combining art history and various studio areas.

• The Art Education degree program is for the creative art student seeking certification to teach in the K-12 grades.

• The Bachelor of Fine Arts (graphic design track) covers layout design, use of typography, communication and language skills, and appropriate computer skills needed for the graphic design field.

• The Bachelor of Fine Arts (studio track) allows artists to explore and refine their talents in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking or ceramics, and prepare a portfolio of their artwork so that they can be accepted into a graduate school for advanced study.

For additional information, visit the Department of Humanities at:
