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Seminary Degrees to Fit Your Needs


A Quality Private Education Close to Home Without All of the Debt

We aim to shape servant leaders with knowledge, skill, and passion to revitalize the church and evangelize the world in the power of the Spirit. 

If your calling is to evangelize and nurture as a servant-leader in the church, consider Assemblies of God Theological Seminary as the institution to lead you toward your ministry. At AGTS, scholarship is integrated with practical application in a context specific to your calling.

As a graduate-level educational institution within the evangelical and Pentecostal tradition, the seminary affirms the Bible as God’s written Word, the inspired, infallible, and authoritative rule for faith and conduct. Affiliated with The General Council of the Assemblies of God, the seminary’s doctrinal commitment is found in the Statement of Fundamental Truths.

Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

Offered as a residentialhybridor online program, the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree at AGTS is a leading edge program designed to enable:

  • A deep grasp of God’s mission in the world and its development throughout history to the present
  • Skills for interpreting the Scriptures
  • Appreciation for and experience of the empowering of God’s Spirit in transformation and ministry
  • Rigorous reflection on Christian truths
  • Holistic leadership for engaging contemporary challenges
  • Effective evangelism, disciple-making, and meeting of community needs
  • Practical competencies needed for ministry in a pluralistic society

The M.Div. prepares students for pastoral and other vocational ministries in the church, teaching ministries in local Districts and churches, and for advanced graduate programs in Bible and Theology (e.g., Ph.D., and ministry (e.g., D.Min.)

Overview of Curriculum:

  • Mission of God & World Christianity – 12 credits
  • Bible & Theology – 27 credits
  • Practical Theology – 24 credits
  • Electives – 9 credits
  • Field Education & Research Project – 3 credits
  • Theological Research & Writing – 3 credits
  • Total – 78 credits
Intercultural Studies (M.A.)

The Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies (MAIS) is a 48-credit degree serving those preparing for multi-cultural ministry in a domestic or foreign context. Students take an intercultural practicum under the guidance of an experienced mentor. The MAIS allows for up to nine credits of approved courses to be taken by prior approval from a foreign school and integrated into the program at AGTS. Concentration options include:

  • Intercultural Studies
  • Global Missions
  • Member Care
  • Islamic Studies 

Degree Program Overview

The Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies (MAIS) is a 48-credit degree designed to form leaders with a thorough understanding of God’s mission for the Church and the interpersonal and intercultural communication skills essential for productive ministry in cross-cultural settings. The program helps students integrate anthropology, psychology, sociology and theology to inform the task of world evangelization and the planting and nurturing of the Church. It also trains missionaries and other cross-cultural workers for roles in theological education and the development of leaders.

Master of Leadership & Ministry (M.L.M.)

The Master of Leadership and Ministry (MLM) is a 45-credit professional studies degree, equipping ministers to become life-long learners and to develop models of personal and professional growth. It can be done online or on campus. The program prepares participants for vocational ministries in the Church. Those with limited experience in ministry leadership are encouraged to take at least one practicum as part of their electives.

bilingual Spanish cohort option is available for those interested in a combined Spanish and English program of study. For more information about the bilingual Spanish cohort, please contact our AGTS Enrollment Coordinator, Efrain Figueroa at 417.575.8980 or Read the AGTS brochure in Spanish.

Program Overview

See the AGTS Catalog for the specific courses in each category.

  • Bible/Theology Core – 9 credits
  • Foundations Core – 15 credits
  • Ministry Core – 12 credits
  • Practical Theology Electives – 9 credits
  • Total – 45 credits
Theological Studies (M.A.T.S.)

The Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS) is designed to serve as an intermediate degree for further graduate programs in biblical and theological studies. It is also designed to provide advanced biblical and theological training for ministers who want to enhance their ministry in specialized areas such as teaching and church-related writing. The program is based on an important set of core courses, but allows the student the flexibility of up to 18 credits to provide the best preparation for the student’s future goals.

Program Overview

  • Mission of God and World Christianity (9 credits)
  • Bible and Theology (15 credits)
  • Theological Research (6 credits)
  • Optional Concentration or Area of Focus (15 credits)
  • General Elective (3 credits)
Master of Theology (Th.M.)

A student who holds the Master of Divinity degree, or first graduate theological degree providing equivalent theological background (including the requisite biblical languages), may apply for admission to the degree of Master of Theology (Th.M.). The program requires 32 credits.

The Th.M. program is designed for the student to advance his or her knowledge of a major field of theological research, particularly through the acquisition of, and practice in, the methods and tools of theological research. The student will advance his or her preparation for pastoral ministry, teaching ministry, or for more advanced graduate study. The following three concentrations are offered: Old Testament Interpretation and Biblical Theology, New Testament Interpretation and Biblical Theology, and Biblical Exegesis and Systematic Theology.

The Th.M. program emphasizes the integration of, and reciprocal influence of, hermeneutics, exegesis, biblical theology and systematic theology. Th.M. students study in the modular courses of the Ph.D. in Biblical Interpretation and Theology.

Degree Components and Requirements

  • Core Components (20 credits)
  • Reading Courses (4 credits)
  • Summative Exam
  • Electives (Choose 2 classes* or Thesis Course) (8 credits)
  • *See AGTS Catalog for specific courses in each category.

Program Schedule

A one-week, residential modular format for the course work is provided to facilitate in-service professionals. Courses are offered in February (one week), June (two weeks), and October (one week). One course may be taken per week. Additional trips to Springfield may be required for study and mentoring purposes.

 Tentative Course Schedule

Class Schedule: Monday through Friday 8 am – 5 pm, unless otherwise noted.

See the AGTS Catalog for a complete listing/description of the courses.

Biblical Interpretation & Theology (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D. in Biblical Interpretation and Theology (BTH) will empower and equip twenty-first-century Pentecostal scholars for academic and ministry leadership. If you answer yes to the following questions, the Ph.D. in Biblical Interpretation and Theology may be the place for you!

  • Are you ready to be a leader in your academic field, contributing new insights for the twenty-first century church?
  • Are you committed to leadership training and have the capabilities and credentials to lead new institutions?
  • Are you a pastor and/or professor called to address contemporary issues with sound biblical-theological principles?

Are you capable of excellent exegesis, original thinking, disciplined learning, speaking, and writing?

Program Overview

The Ph.D. BTH program is a 60-credit program culminating in a terminal academic degree, preparing the graduate for a teaching ministry, improved pulpit ministry, or a writing/publishing ministry. The three academic foci of the program are New Testament Interpretation and Biblical Theology, Old Testament Interpretation and Biblical Theology, or Biblical Exegesis and Systematic Theology.

The Ph.D. BTH program consists of:

  • 20 credits of core seminars
  • 8 credits of supervised readings
  • 20 credits of electives
  • Comprehensive exams
  • 12 credits for the Dissertation proposal, research, and writing

Classes are offered in one-week modules (each for four credits), four times per year: February, June (first two full weeks), and October. An average student load is 12-16 credits per year; full time status requires at least 4 credits per semester. The coursework for the program can be completed within three years; an additional two years, at least, are required for the comprehensive exams and the dissertation; thus, the program usually is at least five years in duration.

Students can begin the Ph.D. BTH program in either of the four course opportunities. To begin courses in February, all application files must be submitted by December 1. To begin courses in June, all application files must be submitted by April 1. To begin courses in October, all application files must be submitted by August 1.

Applied Intercultural Studies (D.A.I.S.)

The AGTS Doctor of Applied Intercultural Studies (DAIS) recognizes the priority of the Holy Spirit’s person and power in accomplishing the mission of God (Missio Dei) and creates an environment in which students can experience the kind of learning that connects them more deeply to the Spirit’s work in mission and allows them to focus their program on specific application of their learning in the field. The DAIS (formerly known as the Doctor of Missiology program) has risen to serve these intercultural ministry and missions leaders by:

  • Enhancing missionary practice and resources
  • Preparing participants to teach missiology at any level
  • Building foundations for training missionaries overseas
  • Equipping leaders for compassion ministries

Degree Program Overview

The AGTS Doctor of Applied Intercultural Studies consists of 48 credits earned in 10 modules, an area studies research tutorial, and a professional project, and is built around several components.

  • Pentecostal perspective: Distinctive emphasis on Spirit-empowered mission in a global context.
  • Lifestyle fit: Relocating to Springfield is not necessary; the DAIS requires only five visits to AGTS over the course of the program.
  • Cohort experience: Learning and growth occur through the bonds formed with other career missionaries and intercultural servants in a diverse small group setting.
  • Modular convenience: Courses are taught in two, one-week blocks scheduled back-to-back allowing two classes on one airfare.
  • Contextualized study: Area studies, special study with an approved educational provider and/or tutelage offer field-based training.

Delivery format

A modular format requires five trips to AGTS over three years (all in July and December). Two courses are taken during each two-week session. Participants earn 48 credits in:

  • Five Core courses
  • Three Track courses (Missiological Studies or Relief and Development)
  • Three Elective courses
  • Project

A modular format requires five trips to AGTS over three years (all in July and December). Two courses are taken during each two-week session.

Intercultural Studies (Ph.D.)

The AGTS Doctor of Philosophy in Intercultural Studies (Ph.D./ICS) facilitates the development and academic certification of vocations in missiological and intercultural teaching and scholarship by:

  • Providing an environment and essential tools that enable research and theological reflection:
  • Creating a unique learning experience customized to each student’s call, gifts and academic interest;
  • Equipping missiologists for research, teaching and missional praxis in an increasingly complex multicultural
    world; and
  • Giving credible voice to scholar practitioner missionaries and national leaders before the academy and the church.
    The Intercultural Doctoral Studies programs are uniquely Pentecostal focused on developing scholar practitioners with a rich Pentecostal missiological heritage including likely the best Pentecostal Missions library in the world with access to the archives of the Flower Heritage Center.

Degree Program Overview

The Ph.D./ICS consists of 60 credits earned in 10 modules, one area studies research tutorial, three dissertation research courses, and a research dissertation, and is built around several components. A modular format requires five trips to AGTS over three years (all in July and December). Two classes are taken during each two-to three-week session.

Ministry (D.Min.)

Reimagining the Future of Pentecostal Leadership

The Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) is a program designed to expand the influence of leaders worth following. It is the premier professional degree for men and women in full-time ministry seeking advanced training and is designed to equip leaders with ministry competencies at the highest level.

The AGTS D.Min. is a journey of personal transformation because we believe that the leader’s interior life is the starting point for authentic and effective ministry influence. The program is shaped to match your ministry context and personal growth as a unique leader. Our participants and alumni represent multiple nationalities and denominations. They are leading innovative ministries in over twenty-six nations around the world.

Program Overview

  • No need to relocate – you need only travel to AGTS three (3) times per year (February, June and October) for one-week modules
  • Designed around the cohort experience, providing opportunities for learning and growth through bonds formed in diverse small group relationships.
  • New cohorts begin every October. Although the program takes approximately four-five years to complete, the benefits begin on the first day!

Coursework Requirements

The program consists of three phases:
1) Core Courses
2) Elective Courses
3) Professional Project


The D.Min. experience is flexible, and can be customized to your needs by taking advantage of our many concentrations:

  • Missional Leadership
  • Biblical Preaching
  • Engaging Culture
  • Islamic Studies
  • Military Chaplaincy
  • Self Design Option

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