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June 30th – July 6th

MCC 545 Engaging Islam: An Introduction

8:00 a.m. – Noon
Instructor: Dr. Jim Bennett

Provides an overview of Islam, including its beginnings and expansion, the beliefs and practices of formal and folk Islam, Islamic sects, the identity of women, Islam in the United States, global Islam today and bridges for communicating with Muslims. Credits: 3

MSS 643 Church Planting in Muslim Contexts

1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Instructor: Dr. Jeff Nelson

Surveys the major ecclesiological options and their historical development. Principles for establishing evangelistic and discipleship ministries in Muslim societies will be explored. Special attention will be given to the unique process of establishing the church within an Islamic culture. Credits: 3

July 7th-11th

MSS 639 SP. STU. Contemporary Issues: Ministry to Muslims

8:00 a.m. – Noon
Instructor: Dr. Fred Farrokh 

Equips Christian workers to engage with the most salient missiological issues in Muslim contexts. Foundational topics will include Pneumatology and the Religious-Other, as well as whether Christians and Muslims worship the same God. The course will also address contextualization, syncretism, insider movements, Muslim idiom Bible translations, and key discipleship issues for international workers who are serving Muslim-background believers. Cross-listed with MCC 639 and MHT 639. Credits: 3

MSS 639 SP. STU. Ministry to Muslims in Urban US Context

1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Instructor: Adam Simnowitz

Surveys the numerous opportunities that exist for ministry to Muslims in the US, with special emphasis on Muslims living in metropolitan areas. A variety of outreaches will be considered with considerable input from experienced practitioners. Cross-listed with MCC 639 and MHT 639. Credits: 3

Professor Bios

Adam Simnowitz

Adam Simnowitz has served with the Assemblies of God U.S. Missions (AGUSM) since 1992. He and his wife have assisted with planting churches in Highland Park, MI, Berkeley, CA, and Dearborn, MI. Since 1995 they have lived and ministered in Dearborn amidst its large Arabic-speaking, Muslim communities. Adam also trains others to minister to Muslims through teaching, writing, and digitizing the writings of pioneer missionaries to Muslims. He is a published author and contributor to and


B.A., Central Bible College

M.A., Columbia International University

Dr. Jim Bennett

After pastoring two churches in their home state of Arkansas, Jim and his wife Theda began their missionary ministry in Jordan in 1974.

After two years of Arabic language study, the Bennetts pastored the New Life Arab Church in Amman for 10 years, leading the national church to purchase the Bulgarian Embassy complex and adapt it as the new home of New Life Church. After 17 years in Jordan, the Bennetts moved to Brussels, Belgium, to assume the presidency of Continental Bible College, where they led the school to begin the first Pentecostal graduate program in continental Europe, and changed the name to Continental Theological Seminary. In 1996 the family returned to Jordan. In his capacity as director of education for the Middle East and North Africa, Jim taught leadership and theology courses throughout the area.

In 2001 Jim was appointed the International Director of Global Initiative: Reaching Muslim Peoples. He presently serves as the Director of Ministries for Global Initiative and editor of Intercede magazine, published in English, Spanish and French. Holding degrees from Nelson University, the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Jim has ministered or taught in 91 countries.

Dr. Jeff Nelson

Jeff and Janelle Nelson are Assemblies of God missionaries to Africa. Jeff currently trains Bible school leaders across Africa through Africa’s Hope and oversees Africa Library Services, equipping Bible schools with educational resources to facilitate training and is a teacher and writer. From 2001-2016 they planted twenty-two churches, lead KAG EAST University in Kenya, and taken students out to unreached peoples in Africa. They served as pastors in North Dakota and Alaska prior to entering missions. Jeff served as Missionary in Residence at Evangel University and AGTS from 2016-2020.

Nelson earned a Ph.D. from Pan Africa Theological Seminary in 2016 in Theological Studies Missions (Dissertation: A Strategic Framework for Planting Churches among Somalis in Kenya with the Kenya Assemblies of God); an M.A. in Ministerial Studies and Leadership in 2008 from Global University, Springfield, MO at East Africa Graduate Studies (EAGS), Nairobi, Kenya; and a B.A. in Bible and Theology with Missions and Music Concentrations, in 1984 from Trinity Bible College, Ellendale, ND.

They have four grown children and seven grandchildren.

Rev. Dr. Fred Farrokh

Rev. Dr. Fred Farrokh is a Muslim-background Christian who serves as an International Trainer with Global Initiative: Reaching Muslim Peoples. Fred is an Ordained Missionary with Elim Fellowship. Before joining Global Initiative, Fred served as Executive Director of Jesus For Muslims Network in Metro New York, and Special Projects Officer with SAT-7 in Cyprus. A Christian of Muslim-background, he completed his PhD in Intercultural Studies through Assemblies of God Theological Seminary in 2014, with a dissertation on Muslim Identity. Recently, Fred launched a YouTube channel called “Wasla,” meaning “Connection,” to serve Muslim-background Christians.