The International Journal of Pentecostal Missiology (IJPM) is a peer-reviewed, electronic journal with periodic publication.
The IJPM seeks to facilitate the engagement, research and investigation of missiology from within a Pentecostal perspective; to encourage thinking and interaction among Pentecostal missionaries and/or Pentecostal missions scholars; and to provide a forum for dialogue and reflection about issues current within Pentecostal Missions. These parameters allow for biblical, theological, historical and/or missiological articulations as well as book reviews based on relevant contemporary works.
Views expressed in the Journal reflect those of the authors and reviewers, and are not necessarily the perspectives or opinions of the editors, the editorial board, the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary or the participating institutions.
Current Issue
International Journal of Pentecostal Missiology, vol. 10 (2024)
10th Anniversary Edition: Exegesis, History, and Missiology by Jeffery Nelson, Editor
Feature Articles
Word and Deed in John: An Exploration of Evangelism and Ethics in the Fourth Gospel by Jerry Ireland
“Pay Attention to the Words of the Song:” 1 Timothy 3:16 by Douglas P. Lowenberg
Standing On Their Shoulders: A Study of Early Assemblies of God Missions in Egypt by Christi Trimbur
Missiological Reflections
Multiplying Indigenous Churches in Rural America by Denzil R. Miller
Cup of Cold Water and Person of Peace in Context: A Missionary Commentary on Matthew 10: Ministering in Dangerous Places in the Power of the Holy Spirit by Jeffery Nelson
The “Best Of” Articles From the Past Decade
Missionary Wives of Early Twentieth Century Pentecost: Called, Competent, Challenged and Complement (IJPM3f, 2014B) by Rosemarie Kowalski
Who Is First? A Cultural and Exegetical Study of Family to Communicate Biblical Principles Regarding Familial Obligations for Indian Hindu Culture (IJPM 5, 2017) by Renée Griffith [Grantham]
Towards a Missiological Approach to Carceral Ministry (IJPM 9, 2023) by Jonathan Cantarero