At AGTS, our core strategies are to:
EMPOWER ongoing discovery and development of vocational calling
CULTIVATE a Pentecostal community of scholars, learners, and professionals and
NURTURE rigorous academic inquiry within a Christian worldview.
Our effectiveness is complemented by our Centers of Excellence, each focused on a specific outreach initiative central to the core strategies of our university.
- Center for Islamic Studies is focused on reaching the Muslim world for Christ. The Center works closely with AG World Missions’ Global Initiative to reach Muslims and to mobilize church-planting teams among Muslim peoples.
- Center for Biblical Preaching exists to serve students, the broader Pentecostal movement, and the universal church in the area of effective and exegetically-sound preaching.
- Center for Faith, Work and Economics is committed to equipping students with tools that will help them integrate their faith, their work, and their resources as they live out their Christian walk in the real world.
Collectively, our Centers of Excellence provide students with the opportunity to grow in their faith and calling, as they put practical application to their evolving Christian worldview.