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Mission & Objectives

Mission Statement

As a Pentecostal community of scholarship, the mission of the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary is to form servants who lead, equip the church, and reach the world for Christ.

Guiding Propositions

2. As the GCAG’s national seminary, our primary mission is to the pastors, teachers, evangelists, chaplains, missionaries, and to the fields of ministry they serve nationally and internationally. AGTS commits to the resourcing of our students from pre-admission, through graduation, and into their fields of ministry.

3. Grounded in Pentecostalism’s historic emphasis on holy and righteous living, AGTS commits to the formation of its students through a whole-life discipleship approach that emphasizes personal wholeness, spiritual formation, theological reflection, relational integrity, vocational clarity, and the call to create flourishing communities.

4. With a strong commitment to the local church, AGTS strives to produce students fully equipped to serve the church according to their vocational callings. Additionally, AGTS provides biblical/theological/practical resources for the church through its various ministry centers, multi-cultural initiatives, and the individual ministries of our administration, faculty, staff, and students.

5. Since the Assemblies of God was founded upon a Spirit-commissioned call to global missions, AGTS exists to equip, empower, and resource those we serve to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

6. As a fully Bible-based, Christocentric Pentecostal seminary, AGTS upholds the Acts 2 emphasis by Peter quoting Joel 2 that the Spirit would be poured out on “all flesh” highlighting the Spirit’s empowerment for global ministry by and to all cultural (and linguistic) expressions, women and men, multi-generationally, and to and from every economic status level. We are affirming this in belief and practice individually and corporately in all aspects of the Christian life embodied in the AGTS Spirit-enabled community of learning.


  1. To lead students to a greater knowledge of God, the redemptive work of Christ, and the baptizing power of the Holy Spirit.
  2. To perpetuate Pentecostal belief in the power of the Holy Spirit to restore God’s people to New Testament models of vitality and witness.
  3. To provide an environment conducive to nurturing servant-leaders of sterling Christian character and integrity.
  4. To rigorously pursue excellence, truth, effectiveness, and relevance in theological reflection and professional training.
  5. To provide culturally relevant professional skills training for pastors, missionaries, evangelists, military and institutional chaplains, teachers, and others.
  6. To foster a global, multicultural missionary emphasis.
  7. To encourage constructive interaction with society in light of our knowledge of Christ.
  8. To serve as a resource for the Church universal.
  9. To use technology and distance education to educate those who are unable to attend a resident campus.

Pentecostal Distinctive

AGTS is committed to the Pentecostal dimension of Christianity as is seen in both the belief and practice of each of its faculty members and administrators as well as the nature of its degree programs and course offerings.