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Evangel School Partnership Program: Students Graduate with Master's Degree

Three school districts involved in the Evangel Graduate Education Partnership have had cohorts of teachers graduate with their master’s degrees within the last few months.

“What a huge blessing it was to participate in the cohort through Evangel! Jason and I had discussed getting our master’s degree at some point, but it seemed so far away. If it wasn’t for this opportunity, who knows when we would have achieved this dream,” said Amanda Frymire, first grade teacher in Blue Eye School District completed the program with her husband Jason.

All of the School District Cohorts are pursuing a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction Leadership.

“Doing this with my colleagues and learning from my administrators helped me understand them better. I got to see their teaching styles, hear their ideas, and grasp their perspectives where we don’t have time to discuss these things during the school day,” said Amanda. “I feel like I have gained so much knowledge while adding a couple more tools to my education tool belt.”

The Branson Public School District’s first cohort had 19 students, starting in the fall of 2019 and conferred May 2021. They have started a second cohort this fall with 20 students.

The Ozark Public School District’s first cohort had 16 students, starting in the summer of 2019 and conferred December 2020. Their second cohort started this past summer with 10 more students.

The Blue Eye School District’s first cohort consisted of 9 students, starting in the spring of 2019 and conferred August 2021. They started a second cohort in the spring of 2021 with 8 students.

About The Evangel Graduate Education Partnership

The Evangel Graduate Education Partnership model allows for school districts to focus on their district goals and student needs. The program is designed entirely by district personnel, who embed district-specific instructional goals to develop their teachers.

District-approved cohort programs allow the districts to receive a 20% graduate tuition discount for cohorts of eight or more graduates, and the districts are given the liberty to select the instructors for each course as well as the course sequence for the cohorts of their choice. Following the successful completion of the 30 credit-hour program, EU will confer a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction Leadership degree to the students.