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Keith Hardy, Ph.D., MPT

Zimmerman Suite 205 |

Keith Hardy Ph.D., MPT has taught for 37 years in the field of Kinesiology. He has coached, mentored, and educated both students and patients at all ages to help them achieve their goals. His current role as department chair and director of the Allied Health program at Evangel University highlights his passion for learning and teaching foundational concepts in physical therapy, occupational therapy, chiropractic medicine, and athletic training.

Professional Memberships & Noteworthy Community Involvement
Past Memberships:
AAHPERD – American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
Arkansas Alumni Association
IAOM-U.S. – International Academy of Orthopedic Medicine
AAOM – American Academy of Orthopedic Medicine
MOAHPERD – Missouri Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
University Involvement:
Kinesiology Department Chair 20 yrs.
Chaired Mabee Center Oversight Committee
Chaired Writing Across The Curriculum Committee
Board of Administration Faculty Representative
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Personal Committee
Academic Council
Founder’s Scholarship Award
Enrollment Task Force
WebCt Committee
Project Envision: Church Ministries Opportunities Scholarship
Thesis Review Committee
Alphi Chi Presentation
Educational Technology Committee
Curriculum Advisor for Film/Media in Theology
Campus Planning Council
Online Education Committee
Retention Committee
Head Football Coach Selection Committee
Athletic Director Selection Committee

Community Involvement:
Global Connections Trip Guatemala
Global Connections Trip Peru
Convoy of Hope Trip Arkansas Rural
Homeschool PE Program

Awards Received

The Orvill and Jewel Mills Young Faculty Award for excellence in
teaching 2009.

MAHPERD – Gold Level Exemplary Physical Education Program –
Cherokee 1996.


2nd Place – USA Triathlon Halfmax National Championship (Division) 2006

1st Place – US Half Triathlon Championship (Division) 2005

2nd Place – Springfield Marathon (Division) 1999

7 Ironman Triathlons (140.6 mi) Finishes

Full CV