The Preaching Certificate provides exposure to the Homiletical process of developing biblical messages. It is designed for individuals who desire to develop their preaching skills for service in church settings. *Pre-requisite: Old Testament, New Testament
- Introduction to Biblical Interpretation
- Homiletics and Church Ceremonies
- Preaching and Biblical Genres
- Advanced Hermeneutics
Learning Outcomes:
- Students will understand the basic skills needed to both comprehend and teach from the biblical text.
- Students will understand and apply homiletical skills to develop biblical messages and use tools to develop and conduct church ceremonies (weddings, funerals, and baby dedication).
- Students will examine and apply genre-specific hermeneutical and homiletical principles for the preparation and delivery of biblical messages.
- Students will apply advanced skills in the process of biblical exegesis (interpretation), in order to analyze and interpret the biblical text in its historical-cultural and literary context.
Intro to Biblical Interpretation
BIBA 337 Intro to Biblical Interpretation (3 cr.) Examines study and application of biblical interpretation.
Homiletics & Church Ceremonies
SERA 321 Homiletics and Church Ceremonies (3 cr.) Discusses the preparation and delivery of biblical sermons, weddings, funerals, and baby dedications. Topics include foundational elements of selecting, studying, outlining, and preaching exegetical sermons. Involves preparing and delivering sermons and ceremonies.
Preaching & Biblical Genres
CHMA 463 Preaching and Biblical Genres (3) Examines and applies genre-specific hermeneutical and homiletical principles for the preparation and delivery of biblical sermons. Student preaching is a key component of the course.
Advanced Hermenuetics (currently available as a 15 week course)
*pre-requisites: Old/New Testament
Five week accelerated course format
12 credit hour program
$65 per credit hour
$780 certificate total
All ministry certificates can be completed individually or stacked with credits applied toward a Bachelor of Science degree in Church Ministries.