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Danielle Routh: Evangel senior published by International English Honor Society

Published on Sep 19, 2016 by Mallory Johnson

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Evangel University senior Danielle Routh is honored to have her research paper on Shakespeare accepted for publication by Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society, in their 2017 Sigma Tau Delta Review.

The society was established in 1924 to confer distinction for high achievement in English language, literature, and writing. There are currently more than 880 chapters in the U.S. and abroad.

Routh is majoring in English at Evangel. She is the daughter of Dean and Becky Routh of Augusta, Kan., and her father is a 1980 Evangel alumnus.

The research

“This year we had an extremely large number of submissions, which made the editorial selection that much more difficult—and exciting,” said Dan Colson, managing editor of Sigma Tau Delta Review.

The paper is, “‘Enforced, stained, and deflowered’: Considering the Reactions of Tamora and Lavinia to the Patriarchal System in Titus Andronicus.” It is a feminist critique of Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus, which is set in Rome.

“When I finally received news that my paper had been chosen, I was surprised and honored,” said Routh, who wrote it for English 331, Shakespeare. “Aside from some submissions to Evangel’s Epiphany, this is the first time that any of my work has been published. It’s quite surreal.”

Dr. Diane Awbrey, professor of English, remarked, “This is a very big deal in our world! Opportunities for undergraduate scholars to publish are extremely rare, so having her work distinguished in this manner speaks highly of her ability and persistence as a scholar.”

Routh’s passion for English comes from her desire to contribute to English literature and help preserve it. Her goal after graduation is to become an editor in a publishing house or a columnist.

“Regardless of whether or not being published will impact my career, it has definitely impacted my life by giving me a sense of achievement and encouraging me in my desire to write,” Routh said. “Anything good that comes from me is from God, and I want to honor Him by using the gift with which he has blessed me.”

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