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Dive into the world of chemistry and gain a deeper understanding of its disciplines and practices to advance your vocational calling.

Our innovative Chemistry program allows you the opportunity to learn chemistry concepts, processes, and systems using leading edge technology and hands-on techniques. Our professors combine practical training and real-world experience in organic chemistry, quantitative analysis, calculus, and engineering physics.

Chemistry is an incredibly broad field, and our innovative program will prepare you for a wide variety of science-related careers. You will have the opportunity to integrate your Christian worldview with your science-related calling as you connect the worlds of faith and science.

Majors: Gain a foundational understanding of chemistry disciplines and launch a science-focused career.

Pre-med Track: Gain broad exposure to the scientific disciplines of biology, chemistry, and physics with in-depth coursework in the field of chemistry. This program prepares you to complete the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) and apply for admission to medical school. You will have opportunities to participate in medical internships with local physicians, medical missions trips, and volunteer rotations to further enhance your education and prepare you for a career in medicine.

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Minors: Gain exposure to chemical concepts and principles to enhance your vocational calling.

Concentrations: Expand your chemistry knowledge and ability to understand and critically evaluate science-related material.


Full-time Faculty

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