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Student Teaching Internships

Learn more: Student Teaching Internships

What is this opportunity?
Evangel University interns are placed for year-long student teaching positions in Ozark or Nixa Public Schools. This placement begins on the first day teachers report back for district meetings and classroom set up in August. Our interns serve all day every school day alongside their master teacher in August until classes begin at EU. When classes begin on our campus, our interns attend seated classes on campus and chapel services on Tuesdays and Thursdays while remaining in their student teaching placement all day each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday throughout the fall semester. In the spring, our interns serve all day each day in their placements until EU graduation in May.

Who is this opportunity for?
Elementary Education and Early Childhood majors – only those students scheduled for spring student teaching are currently eligible for this year-long internship.

When does this opportunity begin?
The year-long student teaching opportunity begins each August and runs through the spring semester.

Benefits of participating in a year-long student teaching internship:

  • Ability to cultivate a year-long relationship with students and an opportunity to see how routines and structures come alive at the beginning of the school year
  • Ongoing collaboration with an instructional coach at your school
  • Placement with a hand-selected master teacher who has been teaching at least 5 years and has obtained a master’s degree
  • Access to your own teacher email from the school district for easy communication with parents, administrators, and fellow colleagues
  • Participation in professional development opportunities provided by the school district
  • Guarantee of one interview for any open teaching positions within the district for which you are qualified
  • Placement on step 2 of the district’s pay schedule as a first-year teacher if hired by the district in which you completed your internship


Nicole Gore, current EU intern at John Thomas School of Discovery in Nixa shares below the following reasons why Education majors benefit from a year-long internship:

  • Double the amount of experience in the classroom compared to a traditional placement
    • More opportunities to develop as a “teacher in training”
    • More opportunities for feedback
  • Starting a new school year with a master teacher and students (instead of jumping into an established classroom environment halfway through the year)
    • Involvement in setting the “foundation” for classroom structure (including student expectations, routines, etc.)
    • Ability to develop a stronger relationship with students
  • More time to transition from a college student lifestyle to a full-time teacher lifestyle
  • More realistic experience of what a full year of teaching a specific group of students feels like
  • Exposure to a full year of teaching standards and learning how teachers organize and plan for a full year
  • Fall semester seated courses at Evangel become so much more practical by being able to correlate academic learning with real-life scenarios from the classroom
  • Sense of belonging as an accepted teacher within the district due to participation in staff and faculty events (meetings, collaborations, parent-teacher conferences, district kick-off, lunch break, recess duty, car line, etc.)
  • Opportunities to tutor students before/after school
  • Opportunities for “white space” in the day (transitions between classes, subjects, etc.) that allow for helpful conversations with master teacher regarding performance, student issues, upcoming activities, etc.

Interested in pursuing a major in the Education Department? Click here for more information.