CARES Act Information
Under Section 18004(C) of the CARES Act, Evangel University received funds to provide emergency financial aid grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance such as food, housing, course materials, technology, healthcare, and child care).
Evangel University received and disbursed $925,362 to assist students using the designated student portion of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) after signing and submitting the required certification forms. The University mailed checks to the home address on record for eligible students. With guidance from the U.S. Department of Education, attorneys, and CARES Act consultants, eligibility and awards were determined based on the following factors:
- Students must have a valid FAFSA on file with the University during the time they have been enrolled as a degree-seeking student at Evangel University and be eligible to receive Title IV financial aid.
- Only students in traditional undergraduate residential programs on the main campus or at James River College are included. Students enrolled in online education are not eligible.
- In addition, students enrolled in residential Graduate level programs were not included because funding was limited, and graduate students are eligible for stimulus checks provided to taxpayers under the CARES Act.
- Students enrolled at the time of the closure and affected by the disruption, who did not withdraw from the University during the term, are included.
- Funding was allocated to “prioritize students with greatest need,” and “ensure these funds are distributed as widely as possible,” as suggested by Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, in her April 9, 2020 letter to College and University Presidents.
Payments to students are being made in the following amounts:
- On-campus student receiving Pell Grant funds: $919
- Includes one month of off campus room/board expenses as calculated by Evangel’s cost of attendance plus 25% for a total of $856. Also includes $63 for miscellaneous expenses for a total payment of $919.
- On-campus student without Pell Grant funds: $705
- Includes one month of off campus room/board expenses as calculated by Evangel’s cost of attendance for a total of $642. Also includes $63 for miscellaneous expenses for a total payment of $705.
- Commuter student receiving Pell Grant funds: $450
- Includes one month of miscellaneous expenses as calculated by Evangel’s cost of attendance, plus 25% for a total payment of $450.
- Commuter student without Pell Grant funds: $360
- Includes one month of miscellaneous expenses as calculated by Evangel’s cost of attendance for a total payment of $360.
Final Report
Funds were all disbursed to students prior to September 30th, 2020
Category | Number of Students | Grant Amount Per Student | Total per Category |
On Campus student receiving Pell Grant funds | 374 | $919 | $343,706 |
On Campus student without Pell Grant funds | 655 | $705 | $461,775 |
Commuter student receiving Pell Grant funds | 154 | $450 | $69,300 |
Commuter student without Pell Grant funds | 141 | $360 | $50,760 |
Total: | 1324 | $925,541* |
1,544 students were eligible for CARES Act funds prior to implementation of all eligibility requirements outlined above.
*Evangel received $925,362 from CARES Act funds, however, Evangel added institutional funding to serve all students according to equitable formulas.
Letter to Evangel students receiving grant
Letter to James River College students receiving grant
CARES ACT Institution Portion
Under Section 18004(C) of the CARES Act, Evangel University received funds for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus.
Evangel University received $925,362 to assist the University with increased costs due to coronavirus using the designated institution portion of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) after signing and submitting the required certification forms.
Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act Sections 18004(a)(1) Institutional Portion, 18004(a)(2), and 18004(a)(3), if applicable
Institution Name: Evangel University Date of Report: 10/27/2020 Covering Quarter Ending: September 30th, 2020
Total Amount of Funds Awarded: Section (a)(1) Institutional Portion: $925,361.00 Section (a)(2): $91,100 Section (a)(3): ___________ Final Report? ☒
Category | Amount
in (a)(1) institutional dollars | Amount in (a)(2) dollars, if applicable | Amount in (a)(3) dollars, if applicable | Explanatory Notes |
Providing additional emergency financial aid grants to students. | ||||
Providing reimbursements for tuition, housing, room and board, or other fee refunds. | $925,361.00 | $91,100 | In spring of 2020, Evangel refunded a total of $1.3 Million in room and board to students who completed their semester online. | |
Providing tuition discounts. | ||||
Covering the cost of providing additional technology hardware to students, such as laptops or tablets, or covering the added cost of technology fees. | ||||
Providing or subsidizing the costs of high-speed internet to students or faculty to transition to an online environment. | ||||
Subsidizing off-campus housing costs due to dormitory closures or decisions to limit housing to one student per room; subsidizing housing costs to reduce housing density; paying for hotels or other off-campus housing for students who need to be isolated; paying travel expenses for students who need to leave campus early due to coronavirus infections or campus interruptions. | ||||
Subsidizing food service to reduce density in eating facilities, to provide pre-packaged meals, or to add hours to food service operations to accommodate social distancing. | ||||
Costs related to operating additional class sections to enable social distancing, such as those for hiring more instructors and increasing campus hours of operations. | ||||
Campus safety and operations. | ||||
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional instructional equipment and supplies (such as laboratory equipment or computers) to reduce the number of students sharing equipment or supplies during a single class period and to provide time for disinfection between uses. | ||||
Replacing lost revenue due to reduced enrollment. | ||||
Replacing lost revenue from non-tuition sources (i.e., cancelled ancillary events; disruption of food service, dorms, childcare or other facilities; cancellation of use of campus venues by other organizations, lost parking revenue, etc.). | ||||
Purchasing faculty and staff training in online instruction; or paying additional funds to staff who are providing training in addition to their regular job responsibilities. | ||||
Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional equipment or software to enable distance learning, or upgrading campus wi-fi access or extending open networks to parking lots or public spaces, etc. | ||||
Other Uses of (a)(1) Institutional Portion funds. | ||||
Other Uses of (a)(2) or (a)(3) funds, if applicable. | ||||
Quarterly Expenditures for each Program | $925,361.00 | $91,100.00 | ||
Total of Quarterly Expenditures | $1,016,461.00 |