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Mission & Quick Facts

Mission Statement

Evangel University is a comprehensive Christian university committed to excellence in educating and equipping students to become Spirit-empowered servants of God who impact the Church and society globally.

Quick Facts

Our commitment to the integration of faith, learning, and life attract students from a wide variety of Christian backgrounds. These students have a strong commitment to academics and an even stronger desire to combine their Christian faith with every aspect of their lives.

Student BodyMore than 2,200 undergraduate and graduate students. Students from all 50 states and numerous countries.

See Retention, Completion, Graduation and Transfer Rates
CampusLocated in Springfield, MissouriMore than 80 acres. Six residence halls, married student housing, two academic buildings, a fine arts center, dining commons and student union, athletics center, library and more.

Learn more about campus and see a map
AffiliationEvangel University is affiliated with and controlled by The General Council of the Assemblies of God.
AcademicsMore than 70 academic programs, including adult and graduate studies degree programs. Average class size of 25 students, with a teacher-to-student ratio of 1:15. 100 full-time faculty members in 9 academic departments.
AthleticsMember of NAIA. Eight men’s sports teams and eight women’s sports teams. Intramural athletics.
Campus LifeForty campus clubs and organizations. Student Senate and Activities Board. Campus traditions include Harvest Fest, Homecoming, Spring Fling and more. Join a Chapel worship team, ministry team or traveling music ensemble.
Global Impact54,000 alumni serving all over the world. Participate in a Spring Impact Trip to destinations all over the world. Spend a semester or summer studying abroad.