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Faith, Work, and Economics

Empowering all of God’s people for Great Commission impact through their domains of influence and places of work.

Faith in the Workplace

People spend some of the best parts of their days at work, not to mention shopping and dealing with the daily routine. So what does it mean for a Christian to live out their faith every day and everywhere, particularly at work?

The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary has been on the cutting edge of studying and teaching what the Bible says and how Pentecostals can live out their beliefs outside the walls of the church, whether at their jobs, shopping, or going about their business.


Business consultant, church planter

Bachelors in

God wants all of us to steward faithfully the opportunities for mission in the marketplace, because this is where His harvest lives and hurts. We are His open epistles of love and healing to the broken world in our work places, our government, our schools and our entertainment. AGTS will teach you how to do this with thoughtfulness and strategy.

Dr. Svetlana Papazov

Lead Pastor of First Assembly of God, Rolla, MO

Master in Leadership and Ministry

At AGTS, you will learn so much of the practical side of ministry that’s invaluable on a day-to-day basis. You learn the ins and outs of preaching, how to interpret scripture, and are able to apply it to your congregation.

Lance Langenberg

AGTS Student Life Coodinator

Masters in Leadership and Ministry

My degree program at AGTS was the perfect combination of theology and leadership and I was challenged to be a better steward of all that God has entrusted to me. While pursuing my degree I held a full-time ministry position and found that the pace and the workload was perfect for me.

Alex Bryant

Vice President of Student Development

Masters in Leadership and Ministry

The coursework at AGTS is exactly what I was missing in ministry. I have learned more about leadership, theology, and God’s design for my life through the study and interaction with professors and other students than in the entirety of my previous 25 years of ministry. Every minister should consider taking a break from the treadmill of books and podcasts and submit themselves to the rigors of higher education. It has a long-lasting impact.

Mark Entzminger