International Journal of Pentecostal Missiology, vol. 6 (2019)
The Great Commission: How are we doing with that? by Jeffery Nelson, Editor
Feature Articles
Trust and Vulnerability: being vulnerable to failures in trust as part of missionary service in Africa by Jim Harries
Pentecostal Missions: Past 100 and Beyond, by Jeffery Nelson
The Global Missionary: The Emerging Roles of North American Missionaries in the Twenty-First Century by Blayne C. Waltrip
African Pentecostal/Charismatic Iconography: A Study of their Significance and Relevance by Simon Kouessan Degbe
And a Little Child Shall Lead Them: Implications of the Changing Face of Mission by Jennifer Schaefer
Neophytes and Pioneer Movements: A Missiological Examination of Paul’s Practice and Instructions Regarding Local Church Leadership by Robert Shipley
Missiological Reflections
Contextualization in Context by Robert L. Gallagher
Book Review
Spirit of God: Christian Renewal in the Community of Faith by Ray Hilsinger
African Christian Leadership: Realities, Opportunities, and Impact by Joseph Nunez
Past Volumes
IJPM 2014 vol. 3
IJPM 2014 vol. 2
IJPM 2013 vol. 1