International Journal of Pentecostal Missiology, vol. 2 (2014)
Multiple Perspectives by Paul W. Lewis, editor
Feature Articles
“Baptism in the Holy Ghost Should Make us World-Wide”: Pentecostal Missions and the Changing Character of Global Christianity by Heather D. Curtis
The Theological Motivations for Pentecostal Mission by Wonsuk Ma
Challenges, Contributions and Commitment of Pentecostals in Missionary Work among Other Faiths by Julie Ma
The Importance of Narrative in Contextualization by Valerie Rance
Framing Vocational Holiness: Exploring Implications of a Pentecostal Model of Call to Pastoral Ministry by Susan L. Maros
In the Times of Elijah and Elisha: The Universal Mission of God in the Narratives of the Sidonian Widow and Naaman the Aramean by Sarita D. Gallagher
Missiological Reflection
Assemblies of God World Missions (USA) and the Challenge of Majority World Missions by DeLonn Rance
Book Review
Helland, Roger and Leonard Hjalmarson. “Missional Spirituality: Embodying God’s Love from the Inside Out.” Reviewed by John Koeshall