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Career Services

Get in touch

Contact Shannon McClure, Coordinator

Helpful Resources


Are you a current EU student looking for a full or part-time job? Our Handshake portal will connect you with exciting vocational opportunities in both the ministry and the marketplace! Search for internships, on-campus work study positions, or off-campus employment.


Are you an EU alum searching for a way to launch your career? Our Handshake portal will connect you with a wide range of potential employers seeking qualified applicants for positions in a wide variety of fields, including church ministry. Search for full and part-time positions.


EU students and alumni are among the premier hires in our community. The Handshake portal will allow you to connect directly with future employees via real-time job and internship postings. Target applicants based on their unique qualifications and skills to streamline your hiring process.

Handshake Help

Need help? Visit the Handshake Help Center

About Career Services

Career Services, part of the Center for Student Success, provides resources and assistance relating to major, career, and graduate school exploration; part-time, internship, and full-time job searches; professional skills and career development.

A few resources include:

Online tools for job searches, resume writing, and practice interviews.

Individualized appointments to discuss career exploration, major selection, job searches, and more.

Career Assessment (FOCUS)

The FOCUS career assessment, is a tool to explore career and major possibilities tailored to your unique strengths and interests. This self-assessment encourages you to think about career readiness as you examine career and educational goals, academic strengths, career planning status, and personal development needs.

The online FOCUS is available for you at any time.

As you register, you will need an access code. Come by the Center for Student Success office in Zimmerman 208, or email Shannon McClure at

Career Guidance

Graduate Programs and Testing:

Explore Graduate Schools & Professional Programs

Explore the following resources to prepare for graduate school or professional programs:


Useful Links

Gallup Strengths Center helps you better understand your talents, teaches you how to build them into strengths, and provides insight into how you can apply them to academics and other interests. For more information about the use of this tool, contact Dr. Jon Spence.

FOCUS is an internet based career and education planning system designed to provide Evangel students with personalized career and education exploration and planning services. FOCUS is easy to use, provides complete self-assessment tools, and contains the most comprehensive occupational and educational information database for use by students available. Stop by the Center for Student Success for the access code.

O*Net Online is an interactive occupational site which provides skill matching and occupational matching for individuals.

What Color is Your Parachute? Dick Bolles’ Guide to Internet Job Hunting is a great resource for online career assessment and planning.

JobWeb This site includes articles published by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

Occupational Outlook Handbook This resource describes what workers do on the job, working conditions, the training and education needed, earnings, and expected job prospects in a wide range of occupations.


We are here to help you with resume and cover lettering writing, job interview skills and techniques, and graduate school assistance. Contact Shannon McClure to schedule an appointment.