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The Write Place

Contact Dara Brannan, Coordinator

The Write Place provides writing process tips, cooperative editing, and support to Evangel students.

The Write Place, located in Trask Hall 202, is a free service offered to students hoping to hone their writing skills.

From brainstorming to completing the final draft, The Write Place staff offers coaching and support to help each student through the writing process.

Tutors are able to assist students in a variety of ways; most frequently by suggesting improvements for both the content and the structure of a paper.

Although The Write Place is not an editing service, tutors teach correct grammar and punctuation, which may be applied to the student’s paper. Students must be present to receive assistance and take an active role in the correction process.

Sign-up sheets are available outside the entrance, and appointments are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

For additional information see the frequent questions section below, or contact The Write Place at 417-865-2815 x8545. Coordinator Dara Brannan is also available via email.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many appointments may I have in one day?
You may sign up for only one 30-minute session per day.

May I drop off my paper to be edited?
No, The Write Place tutors’ goal is to teach you to recognize and correct your own errors; you must be present for this to occur.

What should I do if I cannot keep my appointment?
You should call the Write Place (x8545) at least two hours in advance to cancel an appointment.

What happens if I neglect to cancel my appointment?
After missing one appointment, you will receive a call and a warning, but after the second missed appointment, you will not be allowed to sign up during the remainder of the semester. You may, however, use The Write Place on a drop-in basis.

How long do the appointments last?
Each session lasts approximately 30 minutes.

What can I expect during an appointment?
Tutors will assist you in a variety of ways. They will help you with the steps in the writing process: brainstorming, outlining, and thesis construction, to name a few. They will also suggest ways to improve both the content and the structure of your paper. Although The Write Place is not an editing service, we do attempt to help you improve your grammar and punctuation skills.

What do I need to bring to an appointment?
Print your paper ahead of time and bring it with you. Also, bring any instructions from your professor that may help us evaluate the content and format.

What is the cost for this service?
Our services are free to EU students.

How will my professor know I came?
Tutors record your visits; professors can access this information through the faculty portal.

Where do I sign up?
The sign-up book is located on the podium outside of the Write Place in AB2 room 202.

What can I do if all the time slots are full?
Unfortunately, our schedule is limited; therefore, if the time slots are full, write your name and extension at the bottom of the page so we can call you if we have a cancellation. Otherwise, sign up for the next appointment time that works with your schedule.

Do I have to sign up with a tutor in my major?
No. However, the Write Place does provide tutors who represent various disciplines.

May I have a W.P. tutor help me outside the Write Place?
No, all tutoring occurs during Write Place hours.

How far ahead may I sign up for an appointment?
The current and following week’s schedules are posted in the Write Place for you to secure an appointment.

Will The Write Place help me prepare for the proficiency exam?
Yes, we are always available to help students review for the proficiency exam. At particularly busy times, The Write Place offers 30-minute sessions for small groups of students. During these review sessions, we discuss expectations regarding structure, content, and language; grading policies; and common errors to avoid. We also answer other questions students may have concerning the test. (When group sessions are available, you will find the sign-up sheets posted on the wall next to the appointment book.)