Our practical Biblical Studies associate degree program will kickstart your journey into ministry while providing a strong foundation of core education and Bible-based courses. Upon graduation, you will be prepared to pursue a four-year degree or pursue a career.
Our skilled professors with real-world ministry experience provide practical instruction in Old and New Testament Literature, Hermeneutics, Pentecostal Foundations, and the History of the Church. An emphasis in research and writing and intensive book studies ensures a well-rounded Biblical-Studies-focused program.
Enhance your Christian worldview and develop your ministry philosophy through our Biblical Studies platform. You will be equipped for success as you integrate your faith with your calling.
Fine Arts Scholarship
Fine Arts Scholarship opportunities are available for those interested in pursuing this program. Click here for eligibility and requirement details!
Department Chair

Mark Jenkins, Ph.D.
Department Chair; Professor of Old Testament, Biblical Hebrew, and Archaeology
Full-time Faculty

William Griffin, Ph.D.
Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew

Gary Martindale, Ph.D.
Professor of Biblical Studies

Chris McGough, M.A.
Associate Professor of Youth Ministries

Dr. Vince Medina, Ph.D.
Professor of Old Testament

Martin Mittelstadt, Ph.D.
Professor of New Testament

Meghan Musy, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Old Testament

Danny Sebastian, PhD
Provisional Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Ethics
Adjunct Faculty

Robert A. Berg, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus

Jim Bradford, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor

Wendy Brown
Adjunct Professor

Mark Fabian, M.A.
Executive Director of Online & Graduate Student Services

Richard Hammer, LL.M
Adjunct Professor

Kent Hulbert
Adjunct Professor

Austin Jacobs
Adjunct Professor

Michael Jaffe, D.Min.
Professor Emeritus

Wave Nunnally, Ph.D.
Emeritus Faculty

Calvin Pincombe, D.Min.
Professor Emeritus

Steve Smallwood, D.Min.
Professor Emeritus, Associate Professor for Church Ministries, Program Coordinator for Church Ministries (online)

Matthew Thomas
Adjunct Professor

Nik White
Adjunct Professor
Missionary in Residence

Lattis Campbell, DMIN
MIR - Global Connections