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Trees of Honor

To recognize individuals who have provided exemplary service to Evangel University

Having been observers and beneficiaries of outstanding leadership and dedicated service by founders, administrators, academic professionals, students and friends of the University over the years, the Evangel University Pioneers initiated the Trees of Honor project for the purpose of recognizing individuals who provided distinguished service to help make Evangel the outstanding University it is today. The planting of trees is seen as a Living Tribute to honorees selected by the Trees of Honor project and its representatives.

Donate to the Project

YearAwarded Recipient
2023• Paul K. Logsdon
2022• Chuck Cox
2021• Jim Williams
• Sharon Wilkins
• Donn Rediger
2019• Pioneer Dorm MothersGrace Walther
• Inez Spence
• Margaret Stinchcomb
• Mrs. Harris
• Francis Johnson
• Beatrice McClellan
• Louise Mullen
• Edna Garvin
• Edna Perry
• Hester Downey
• Dr. Ray Schmidgall
• Dr. Berl Best
2018• George Crawford
• Dr. David Stair
• Dr. J. Calvin Holsinger
2017• Dr. George O. Wood
• Betty Chase
2016• Sandra Sorbo
• Dr. Terry Bleek
• Dorothea Lotter
• Dr. Joseph Nicholson
2015• Dr. Glenn Bernet
• Shirley Shedd
• Gene Thomlinson
2014• Dr. Zenas Bicket
• Dr. Steve Davidson
• Dr. Billie Davis
• Mr. John Shows
2013• Dr. Robert H. Spence
2012• Dr. Thurman Vanzant
• Emmett Davis
• Dr. June Kean
2011• Twila Edwards
• Bill Gunn
• Dr. Jesse Peterson
• Dr. Ward Williams
2010• Grace Walther
• Dr. Donald “Doc” Pearson
• Frances Berkihiser
• Al Rediger
2008• Dr. J. Robert Ashcroft
• Dr. Klaude Kendrick
• Dr. Ralph M. Riggs
• Dr. Richard D. Strahan
• Dr. Thomas F. Zimmerman

Award Guidelines

Project Overview

In harmony with the University’s long-term landscape plan, and in a manner convenient to Evangel University’s Alumni Department and Board, university-approved trees will be planted as “Living Memorials” or “Trees of Honor” in strategic campus locations in remembrance or recognition of the individuals being honored. An appropriate bronze plaque will be located at the base of each tree to recognize the exemplary contributions made to Evangel University by the honoree.

Honorees will be selected by the Alumni Board of Directors periodically, but no more often than annually. An induction ceremony for the Trees of Honor awardees will take place during Evangel’s Homecoming activities, with the time and place to be determined by the Alumni Department and Board of Administration.

Project Administration

While it is understood that the university’s Board of Administration is responsible for administrative oversight of the project, it will operate as a subsidiary function of the university’s Alumni Office.

The Evangel University Alumni Board will select a Trees of Honor committee, made up of five to seven members. The Committee is responsible for assessing and addressing the financial and operational needs and requirements of the project as noted in this document and subsequent Board-approved criteria.

The Committee will submit its findings and recommendations to the Alumni Board for discussion and acceptance. Action taken by the Alumni Board will be submitted to the university’s Administrative Board for final approval.

Honoree Selections

The Evangel University Alumni Office and Trees of Honor committee will solicit honoree nominations from Evangel University alumni. Honoree nominations will be collected and compiled by the Alumni Office.

A preliminary review of nominees will be made by university administrators prior to placement on the final list of nominees for consideration by the Trees of Honor committee and Alumni Board. Based on available funds and the selection criteria in place at the time, the Trees of Honor committee will submit its honoree recommendations to the Alumni Board for discussion and acceptance. Final selections will then be made by the Alumni Board and submitted to the university’s Administrative Board for approval.

Project Finances & Maintenance

While it is understood that revenue raised or earned for the purpose of underwriting and maintaining the Trees of Honor project will be administered by the university, it is anticipated that Evangel alumni will be responsible for raising or maintaining the funds necessary to sustain this project.

It is also understood by both the university and its alumni that an endowment known as The Evangel University Pioneers Endowment Fund has been established by the university specifically for the purpose of funding and maintaining the Trees of Honor project.

Periodic financial goals and landscape commitments may be suggested by the Alumni Board in consultation with the university’s Administrative Board and its strategic landscape plan. This includes but is not limited to tree replacement resulting from excessive ice or wind. Trees replaced as a result of ice or wind may also be used for future Trees of Honor honorees.

Based on criteria in place at the time, the number of honorees to be selected may vary from year to year, but in no case shall the number of honorees result in a cost that exceeds the annual return on investment provided by thePioneers Endowment Fund during the preceding calendar year.

To sustain the Trees of Honor project, it is felt that the Pioneers Endowment Fund should not be allowed to drop below $50,000. As a result, substantial landscape expenditures beyond the Trees of Honor project may necessitate supplemental fundraising initiatives to maintain the minimum endowment fund balance.