Our program will prepare you for youth ministry at both the local church level and with youth-oriented para-church ministries. Learn how to effectively reach junior high through college-aged students with the gospel message. Gain insight into today’s rapidly evolving youth culture and learn how to provide relevant guidance to students as they navigate their journey to young adulthood.
Professors with real-world ministry experience will provide valuable instruction in biblical theology, hermeneutics, youth discipleship, youth evangelism, and adolescent psychology.
Majors: Pursue a career in full-time youth ministry with a strong foundation in biblical exegesis and its application.
Minors: Gain a foundational understanding of how to effectively minister to youth.
Concentrations: Focus on youth ministry while incorporating other areas of study that can be integrated into the overall mission of ministry to youth.
Fine Arts Scholarship
Fine Arts Scholarship opportunities are available for those interested in pursuing this program. Click here for eligibility and requirement details!
Youth Ministries Bachelor of Arts Degree Sheet
Youth Ministries Bachelor of Science Degree Sheet
Department Chair
Mark Jenkins, Ph.D.
Department Chair; Professor of Old Testament, Biblical Hebrew, and Archaeology
Regular Faculty
Danny Sebastian, PhD
Provisional Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Ethics
Darin Poe, Ph.D.
Director, AG Ministry Leaders of Tomorrow Project
Jane Williams (PhD candidate/M.Div.)
Assistant Professor of Intercultural Studies, Director of Global Cultures & Compassion, Program Coordinator of Intercultural Studies
Meghan Musy, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Director of Competency-Based Theological Education
Chris McGough, M.A.
Associate Professor of Youth Ministries
Martin Mittelstadt, Ph.D.
Professor of New Testament
Dr. Vince Medina, Ph.D.
Professor of Old Testament
Gary Martindale, Ph.D.
Professor of Biblical Studies
William Griffin, Ph.D.
Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew
Adjunct Faculty
Matthew Thomas
Adjunct Professor
Wendy Brown
Adjunct Professor
Austin Jacobs
Adjunct Professor
Kent Hulbert
Adjunct Professor
Richard Hammer, LL.M
Adjunct Professor
Jim Bradford, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor
Nik White
Adjunct Professor
Robert A. Berg, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Steve Smallwood, D.Min.
Associate Professor for Church Ministries, Program Coordinator for Church Ministries (online)
Michael Jaffe, D.Min.
Professor Emeritus
Calvin Pincombe, D.Min.
Professor Emeritus
Wave Nunnally, Ph.D.
Emeritus Faculty
Mark Fabian, M.A.
Executive Director of Online & Graduate Student Services
Missionary in Residence
Joshua Lovelace, Ph.D.
Missionary in Residence
Lattis Campbell, DMIN
MIR - Global Connections